P H P - XML - programming:

1. simple xml file to create

         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
             <quiz question point="2">
                  <quizzes>What is PHP?</quizzes>
                  <answers>PHP Hypertext Preprocessor</answers>
             </quiz question>
             <quiz question point="3">
                  <quizzes>What does the i in mysqli?</quizzes>
             </quiz question>
             <quiz question point="2">
                  <quizzes>What is SQL?</quizzes>
             </quiz question>
             <quiz question point="4">
                  <quizzes>What is the wildcard in Prepard Statement?</quizzes>
             </quiz question>

2. simply - XML

                    if (file_exists('ask.xml')) {
                       echo 'Data found';
                       $xml = simplexml_load_file('ask.xml');
                       for ($i = 0; $i < count($xml); $i++) {
                          echo 'Punkte: ' . $xml->quizfrage[$i] ['point'] . '<br />';
                          echo 'Antwort: ' . $xml->quizfrage[$i] ['answer'] . '<br />';
                          echo '<hr />;
                    $xml->quizfrage[0] ['point'] = 1000;
                    $newXML = $xml->asXML();
                    echo 'new:<br />;
                    echo '<pre>';
                    echo htmlspecialchars($neuesXML);
                    echo '</pre>';
                       } else {
                        echo 'Could not load data.';

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